Leaf Tip Burn

Now that you know how to water plants, let's talk about how to do so safely. Believe it or not, the type of water you use matters. We can all agree that we want our foliage to stay as pretty as it looked on the first night your plant came home.
A common issue plant owners experience is burnt ends (and we're not talking about the American BBQ classic). This is called leaf tip burn and looks something like this...

Houseplants are pretty sensitive to the chemicals and minerals present in tap water. This can result in chemical burns on the leaves' tips and edges. It usually looks like a brown, crispy edge surrounded by a yellow halo. To prevent this from happening, use distilled water or allow your tap to sit uncovered for at least 24 hours. This will allow those harmful components to evaporate or settle, saving your foliage from unattractive chemical burns.

Leaf tip burn can also occur when we over feed our plants. If you aren't using tap water and still experience this, lighten up on plant food use or repot your plant with some fresh soil. Remember, we should only feed our plants during the growing season!
And that's the lowdown on safe water. We wish you well as you wade the waters of Pisces season and Mercury retrograde. Remember: if you ever need help, you can always email us at hello@heyrooted.com.